Why I’m Starting To Write Online

Anna Ascolani
2 min readJan 7, 2023

I recently signed up for Dickie Bush & Nicolas Cole’s cohort-based course, Ship 30 for 30.

Here are three reasons why:

  1. I lived in an abusive relationship and used writing as my coping mechanism. I would wake up at 3 am and write for an hour, fall asleep again, wake up at sunrise and shake my head in despair after reading what I wrote in secret under the blanket beside my snoring partner. The next night, I would repeat the same and again hate my moonlight-induced texts in the morning. I could not understand why my mind in the sunlight rejected the nightly flooding of my hurting heart. I joined Ship 30 for 30 to find out if my heart could shake hands and work in unison with my mind.
  2. A friend of mine purchased me a book writing course ten months ago. After signing up, I had to write because I could not let her down. Like always, in the beginning, I was full of excitement, but that quickly turned into anxiety. The more I wrote, the more terrified I was to publish anything. Though I knew I loved writing, I didn’t believe in myself enough to publish any of my tear-stained texts. Why would anyone in their right mind want to read how many times I had been raped or beaten up or how many times I tried to leave? I joined Ship 30 for 30 to learn how to conquer my fear and not run away.
  3. In December last year, I hit a brick wall. My book was still hanging from its final chapter. This was it, I thought. I would write now or never type again. I used all my money to purchase Ship 30 for 30, leaving $0,51 in my bank account, taking a considerable risk. I would have to get my ship sailing or sink trying because it was too late to back up in the middle of the ocean. I’ve informed too many people that I am doing this, and now I’m paddling for my life. I joined Ship 30 for 30 to find out if I could finish a project at least once in my life and say: I did it!

Over the next 30 days, I plan on writing about abuse, personal growth and setting sail into the scary unknown. Coming this far is already a triumph for a person used to failing and running away.

Join me on this adventure — and let me know if you have any questions! I’m excited (read: scared to bits) to start sharing my writing online.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Anna Ascolani

Let's talk about abuse and violence. I'm passionate about growing from difficult life experiences in the company of my keyboard, one key at a time.